
Abstract Background: Earlier obesity was a disease of the affluent but with changing trend, modernization, sedentary lifestyles overweight/ obesity is increasing in the rural population too. Children of the present generation are prone to obesity which will hamper life in the future. Scientific evidence shows that unhealthy diet and physical inactivity are major global determinants of non-communicable diseases. Aim & Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of obesity, to study the life style factors and to analyze the socio-demographic factors that influence obesity. Materials & Methods:A cross-sectional study was carried out in 400 children between the age group of 12–15 years. Informed consent was obtained from school authorities to collect information from the children. Height and weight were measured using standard procedure and BMI (kg/m) was calculated. Overweight and obesity was assessed by BMI following the WHO guidelines. The questionnaire assessed life style, physical activity, dietary habits and socio-demographic data. Results:Prevalence of obesity was 25.2% (101 children). The statistically significant (p<0.05) factors which influenced obesity was transport to school, physical activity, watching television while eating, consumption of ready made food items, eating in between meals and the socioeconomic status. Conclusion:The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 25.2% as per the BMI (WHO) classification. Use of motor transport, lack of physical activity and sedentary life are major factors.

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