
At time of its publication in 1923, Charles Homer Haskins' The Rise of Universities was considered remarkable for its erudition, succinctness, and balance. The his-torian Theodor Mommsen described it as work which has remained unsurpassed in conciseness and vividness of its account. Eight decades after its appearance, it remains fresh and informative. It has not been surpassed, and is as invaluable as ever.Haskins traces rise of mediaeval university as one phase of intellectual awakening in Europe in late Middle Ages, in an effort to broaden our understanding of the ancient and universal company of scholars. In depth and breadth of its analysis, there is no better portrait of universities during their infancy in Middle Ages. With great detail and preci-sion, Haskins describes university's curriculum, teaching, teachers, and students. Drawing deeply on his knowledge as one of leading mediaeval scholars of his day, he provides an exceptionally vivid picture of student life of tht time, through his analysis of their manuals, letters, and poetry. The Rise of Universities goes far beyond its central subject to offer a broad description of social conditions in which universities took root and flourished. At same time, one cannot read Haskins without seeing influences of mediaeval university on contemporary institutions of higher learning. The Rise of Universities reminds us that univer-sity has not only been a crucible fostering intellectual inquiry and creativity, but continues after eight hundred years to be a center of teaching and learning.In his new introduction, Lionel S. Lewis develops Haskins' passing observation that the university of twentieth cen-tury is lineal descendant of mediaeval Paris and Bologna, and considers question of why universities came into being at particular time in history when they did. The Rise of Universiti

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