
The African Independent Churches (AICs) are a major form of Christianity in Africa. The largest phenomenon of the rise of the AICs was experienced in Southern Africa, West Africa, Central Africa and Eastern Africa. Many studies and researches have been done covering the AICs in the whole of Africa. Barrett has made an overview of the rise and the causes of the rise of the AICs in Africa with a focused study on Luo Independency. Turner has made a good study of the Aladura in West Africa with emphasis on the Church of the Lord. Martin made a detailed study of Kimbanguism in Central Africa. The study that has great relevance to Botswana is the one made by Sundkler in South Africa and a number of other studies by Daneel and a study by Oosthuizen. Studies in Botswana have been done by Amanze and Kealotswe. The common characteristic of all these studies is that the AICs arose as a protest to the Western forms and expressions of Christianity. Their major concern was to develop an indigenous expression of Christianity. The study of the AICs in Botswana should be viewed from this general perspective.

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