
The recent and rapid expansion of the Chinese economy is known by all. In the field of eye research and ophthalmology, a similar renaissance has taken place, but perhaps has not been as obvious. Ten years ago, Acta Ophthalmologica (Acta) received relatively few Chinese manuscripts, the quality was variable, and few were published (Fig. 1). This has changed completely, and now, Chinese ophthalmologists and eye researchers are among the most prolific contributors to Acta and responsible for about 10% of articles in Acta. The rise of Chinese ophthalmology and eye research does not only apply to Acta. Web of Science® lists all scientific publications. A search for articles from <China> and <ophthalmology> produces Fig. 2, which shows the number of published articles on ophthalmology originating, at least in part, from China. A similar rapid rise is seen (Fig. 2). Comparison of Figs 1 and 2 reveals some interesting conclusions. First, Acta may have preceded other international ophthalmology journals in publishing higher numbers of Chinese articles. Second, over the last 4 years, Acta has published 20–24 Chinese articles each year out of a global total of 76–95 per year. In other words, Acta may be involved in 25% of Chinese publications in ophthalmology. The quality of eye research in China is impressive. One measure of this is the number of citations. Web of Science® lists citations for all scientific publications. A search for articles from <China> and <ophthalmology> produces Fig. 3, which shows the yearly number of citations of Chinese ophthalmology articles. The exponential rise is very impressive and demonstrates the increasing impact that Chinese researchers have in the field.

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