
This research question is ‘how to build the database of trees roadside in Surakarta?’ The reasearch objectives are: (1) Identification of the trees characteristics (type and size); (2) Identification level of the healthy trees, and (3) Trees location. This research used categorized methods by healthy of tree, that is: healthy, little damage, moderate damage and heavy damage. The research location at Jalan Slamet Riyadi, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman and Jalan Urip Sumohardjo at Surakarta City. There are several resuts can be drawn: (1) This research has build a Tree Inventory Application, named SIPPOHON. Through SIPPOHON trees can be inventoryed by the name, type and characteristics. Tree location is integrated in a global positioning system (GPS); (2) The Polyalthia longifolia, Mangifera kemanga, Diospyros blancoi have a strong endurance tree; (3) Pterocarpus indicus, Erythrina, Manilkara kauki, langerstroemia and Casuarina tend to be damaged or unhealthy; (4) Some forms of tree damage are caused by: hollow and hollow trunks; mechanical damage (scratches and cuts that hurt the tree to the cortex); pest attacks that cause the stems to become brittle; swelling of the stem; the partial canopy is dead; trees tilted into the electricity grid; and roots come to the surface. The result of the research are applicaton to manage the green roadside, expecialy: (1) Treatment of pest are needed to prevent the spread of disease; (2) Routine maintenance and monitor the tree condition.

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