
One of the important issues that has attracted the attention of international community and with which the world in 21th century is confronted in recent years is displacement crisis. Nevertheless, the study of rights of “Displaced Persons” in international instruments shows that they are not still under the protection of legal system and just enjoy the protection of general protections existed in human rights law, humanitarian law and international criminal law that are insufficient and selective. This necessitates more and active intervention of the UN human rights system. But, owing to the fact that the duties of states toward individuals are part of erga omnes obligations and even in some cases fall under jus cogens, the present research by using descriptive-analytic method, while studying and analyzing the obligations of states towards displaced persons came to this conclusion that of the most significant obligations of states are first obligation to protect and prevent the development of displacement and then obligation to accept the displaced persons. Therefore, it seems that displacement in the emergency conditions can be considered a right for individuals and an international obligation for states. consequently, the violation of rights of displaced persons may cause the international responsibility for the wrongdoer state. In addition, a study of the displacement status in the world shows that Islamic countries are mostly exposed to the displacement crisis (more than two-thirds of the world's displaced population belongs to these countries), which is mainly due to violence and internal conflicts, which in most cases are rooted in tribal, racial and religious issues.

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