
Abstract. Observed oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) in the tropical Pacific Ocean are located above intermediate-depth waters (IDWs), defined here as the 500–1500 m water layer. Typical climate models do not represent IDW properties well and are characterized by OMZs that are too deep-reaching. We analyze the role of the IDW in the misrepresentation of oxygen levels in a heterogeneous subset of ocean models characterized by a horizontal resolution ranging from 0.1 to 2.8∘. First, we show that forcing the extratropical boundaries (30∘ S and N) to observed oxygen values results in a significant increase in oxygen levels in the intermediate eastern tropical region. Second, we highlight the fact that the Equatorial Intermediate Current System (EICS) is a key feature connecting the western and eastern part of the basin. Typical climate models lack in representing crucial aspects of this supply at intermediate depth, as the EICS is basically absent in models characterized by a resolution lower than 0.25∘. These two aspects add up to a “cascade of biases” that hampers the correct representation of oxygen levels at intermediate depth in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean and potentially future OMZ projections.


  • Oxygen levels in the ocean are characterized by high values in the high latitudes and the subtropical gyres, while concentrations decrease to close to zero in the tropical oceans in the oxygen minimum zones (OMZs)

  • Observed oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) in the tropical Pacific Ocean are located above intermediate-depth waters (IDWs), defined here as the 500–1500 m water layer

  • Typical climate models lack in representing crucial aspects of this supply at intermediate depth, as the Equatorial Intermediate Current System (EICS) is basically absent in models characterized by a resolution lower than 0.25◦

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Oxygen levels in the ocean are characterized by high values in the high latitudes and the subtropical gyres, while concentrations decrease to close to zero in the tropical oceans in the oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). The IDW ( the AAIW) circulates into the intermediate flow of the South Equatorial Current and the New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent (Qu and Lindstrom, 2004) where it retroflects in the zonal equatorial flows of the Southern Intermediate Countercurrent (SICC) and Northern Equatorial Intermediate Current (NEIC) within about ±2◦ off the Equator (Zenk et al, 2005; Kawabe and Fujio, 2010) (Fig. 1) These currents are part of the Equatorial Intermediate Current System (EICS) constituted by a complex system of narrow jets extending below 500 m in the lower thermocline (Firing, 1987; Ascani et al, 2010; Marin et al, 2010; Cravatte et al, 2012, 2017; Ménesguen et al, 2019).

60 Tracer release
Description of models
Sensitivity experiments
Forcing of oxygen to observed values in the subtropical regions
Conservative tracer release in oxygenated waters
IDW oxygen levels in models
Oxygen levels in the lower thermocline
Oxygen budget and processes
Structure of the currents in the upper 2000 m in observations and models
Tracer spreading towards the eastern tropical Pacific
Equatorial IDW circulation
Summary and implications
Subtropical IDW properties and tropical oxygen
Transport at IDW level and Equatorial Intermediate Current System
Implication for biogeochemical cycles
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