
List of Contributors Abbreviations Preface PART ONE: ORIGINS, DEFINITIONS, NATURE, AND DIFFUSION 1. The Medieval and Early Renaissance Study of Cicero's De inventione and the Rhetorica ad Herennium: Commentaries and Contexts, John O. Ward Appendix: Catena Glosses on the De inventione of Cicero and the Pseudo-Ciceronian Rhetorica ad Herennium from the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries 2. Reading Between the Lines: The Textual History and Manuscript Transmission of Cicero's Rhetorical Works, Ruth Taylor-Briggs 3. Ciceronian Rhetoric in Late Medieval Italy: The Latin and Vernacular Traditions, Virginia Cox Appendix: Ciceronian Rhetoric in the Vernacular in Italy, 1260-1500 PART TWO: INFLUENCES AND INTERRELATIONSHIPS: CONTEXTS FOR THE UTILIZATION OF THE CICERONIAN RHETORICAL JUVENILIA AND THEIR COMMENTARY TRADITION 4. Ciceronian Rhetoric and Ethics: The Conduct Literature and 'Speaking Well', Mark D. Johnston 5. Ciceronian Rhetoric and Dialectic, Karin Margareta Fredborg 6. Ciceronian Rhetoric and the Law, Hanns Hohmann 7. Rhetorical memoria in Commentary and Practice, Mary Carruthers 8. The Ciceronian Rhetorical Tradition and Medieval Literary Theory, Rita Copeland 9. Latin Composition Textbooks and Ad Herennium Glossing: The Missing Link?, Martin Camargo Appendix 1. Ancient and Medieval Rhetorical Texts Discussed Appendix 2. 'Rhetorical Colors' Treated in the Works Discussed Appendix 3. Treatments of a Sample Figure (repetitio) Compared Appendix 4. Ancient Rhetorics Cited or Quoted in Tria sunt Ch. 12 (Worcester Cathedral, Chapter Library MS Q.79, fols 143v-50r) 10. Poetics, Narration, and Imitation: Rhetoric as ars aplicabilis, Paivi Mehtonen 11. Medieval Thematic Preaching: A Ciceronian Second Coming, Margaret Jennings 12. The Rhetorical Juvenilia of Cicero and the artes dictaminis, Gian Carlo Alessio 13. Communication, Consensus, and Conflict: Rhetorical Precepts, the ars concionandi, and Social Ordering in Late Medieval Italy, Stephen J. Milner Appendix: Examples of zibaldoni Containing Sample Orations and Other Rhetorically Related Material Appendix: The Commentaries in Action, Virginia Cox and John O. Ward Appendix 1. The Preface to Victorinus' De inventioneCommentary Appendix 2. The Preface to the Ad Herennium Gloss by Alanus (of Lille?) from MS London B.L. Harley 6324 Appendix 3. The Preface to the Ad Herennium Commentary by Guarino da Verona Appendix 4. The Doctrine of insinuatio, or 'the indirect opening' Appendix 5. The tertium genus narrationis Appendix 6. Attitudes towards Antiquity: The Gloss on the Lucius Saturninus Episode (Ad Herennium 1.12.21, the legal status of definition) Appendix 7. Attitudes towards Antiquity: the color demonstratio (elocutio) Bibliography of Primary Sources Cited Bibliography of Secondary Works and Editions Index of Manuscripts Index of Persons and Titles General Index

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