
Theoretical results of the authors in the field of the capillary thinning of polymer solution threads are reviewed. The dynamics of threads of both concentrated solutions without entanglements and dilute solutions, where hydrodynamic interactions play an important role, is considered. A molecular approach, in which macromolecules are simulated by a semiflexible chain, is used as a basis. This makes it possible to describe, from common positions, the nonlinear elasticity of solution and interactions taking into account the orientation of the chains. Particular attention is given to thread thinning in the region of the elastic behavior of solution where macromolecules unfold along the axis of stretching. The results of analysis of the capillary stability of a thread and conditions for solvent droplets emergence on its surface are presented, and the dynamics of formation of the hierarchical structure of beads-on-string droplets is viewed. Mechanisms behind the subsequent merging of droplets related to solvent overflow and droplets diffusion along the polymer string are discussed. The polymer string breakup occurs at time scales higher than the Rouse relaxation time of the polymer chain. String hardening and fiber formation may be an alternative.

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