
Sampyong is a martial art that combines physical strength and dance elements. In the early period of its growth, sampyong functioned to find a champion or leader. Over time, sampyong is more likely to act as a show in the context of a wedding or circumcision. Lately sampyong has rarely been shown so that the younger generation doesn't know it anymore. Therefore, resocialization efforts are needed in the form of revitalizing the show so as to attract more interest in the younger generation. This study aims to explore the values of local wisdom from various components, both from non-language components and language components. To explore the values of local wisdom contained in the sampyong martial art, a hermeneutic approach is used. From the non-functional components found values of local wisdom preservation and cultural creativity, management of gender, education, discipline and health. From the linguistic component found values of local wisdom honesty, education, gender management, harmony and conflict resolution, and politeness. The values of local wisdom that are found cover the values of local wisdom that aim for peace: (values of local wisdom honesty, harmony and resolution of conflict, and politeness) and local wisdom aimed at welfare: (values of local wisdom preservation cultural creativity, management of gender, education, discipline, and health). The existence of these values of local wisdom can be used as a basis for the inheritance of this performing art to the younger generation as the heirs of their ancestral traditions.

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