
Laboratory Liver function tests (LFT) may be defined as the tests which are useful in the evaluation and treatment of patients with hepatic dysfunction. Theliver is of vital importance in intermediary metabolism, in the detoxification andin the elimination of toxic substances. The biochemical tests are useful in detecting the presence of liver disease. The test are also cheap, non- invasive and widely available and are of value in directing the use of other diagnostic tests such as liver biopsy and imaging. Some of the biochemical markers such asserum Bilirubin, SGPT or Alanine amino transferase (ALT) , SGOT or aspartate amino transferase (AST) , Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT), 5′ nucleotidase, Ceruloplasmin etc. are considered in this article. An isolated or conjugated alteration of biochemical markers of liver damage in patients can challenge the clinicians during the diagnosis of disease related to liver directly or with some other organs.

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