
Antibiotic resistance is now one of the biggest challenges which has arised in the medical world. Scientist are working day and night non stop to deal with this challenge. Antibiotic resistance is when the bacteria develop characteristics and modify in its features that it is no longer affected bythe antibiotic which once worked and were effective on them. Resistance occur due to mutation of the bacteria were the bacteria modifies the antibiotic target site that when exposed to antibiotics it can no longer get affected, also by reduced permeability, the bacterial wall becomes hard and impermeable to antibiotic agents. The antibiotic resistance has read to over production and development of different antibiotics which becomes useless in a shortperiod of time , so energy resources and financial resource are lost in the way but without giving permanent solution. To deal with the problem of antibiotic resistance alternative methods for treatment of bacterial infection are developed, the development read to the rediscovery of bacteriophage therapy, which treat those bacterial infections which are antibiotic resistance .Bacteriophage therapy is the use of bacterial viruses to kill the bacteria. Phagesare the viruses that attacks specific target bacteria and burst it or kill it. The bacteriophage attack and attaches to the bacterium, then draw its DNA into the cell and destroy the bacterium to function or replicate. The bacteriophage can be used to treat different deadly bacterial infections , research are still going on to improve the effectiveness of the bacteriophage so that it can be the permanent solution to antibiotic resistance and the treatment to deadly bacterial infections. greek word which means ‘to eat’ ,then bacteriophage means to eat bacteria , bacteriophage are bacterial viruses which attacks the bacterial cells and kills or breakthe bacterium. Bacteriophages are very highly specific, theyonly affect the bacteria of a specific strain. This specificity and killing capability makesthem enermies of bacteria.

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