
Although the competitive mechanism for Meisenheimer complex formation during the reaction of 2,4,6-trinitroanisole with methoxide ion in methanol is generally accepted, no kinetic evidence has been presented to rule out a reversible consecutive mechanism. Simulation of the competitive mechanism revealed that a fractional order in [MeO(-)] is predicted by the latter. Conventional pseudo-first-order analysis of the kinetics resulted in cleanly first-order in [MeO(-)], which rules out the competitive mechanism. The kinetic data are consistent with the reversible consecutive mechanism, which is proposed for this important reaction. An intermediate is required for this mechanism, and we propose that a dianion complex (III) is formed reversibly from the initial 1,3-σ complex (I). The trimethoxy complex (III), the (1)H NMR spectrum of which was observed earlier by Servis (Servis, K. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1965, 87, 5495; 1967, 89, 1508), then eliminates methoxide ion reversibly to form the 1,1-σ complex product (II).

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