
The World Health Organization has noted much progress towards the realisation of Millennium Development Goals related to maternal and child health. Eighty percent of women in many developing economies now receive at least one visit during pregnancy by a skilled birth attendant (although only 52% had the recommended four visits), and 68% of women across developing regions receive skilled health attendant care (up from 56% in 1990). However, disparities follow regional and urban-rural gaps. Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia lag behind other regions in the provision of antenatal care and skilled attendance at birth (although typically attended by a family member or villager) and over 32 million of the 40 million births not attended by skilled health personnel in 2012 occurred in rural areas. Overall, one-quarter of women in developing nations still birth alone or with a relative to assist them. While increased numbers of medically-trained midwives and health workers or midwife assistants would increase coverage by up to 40%, these are longer-term solutions. In the short term, gross disparities in services in some resource-poor areas have been alleviated by recruiting Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) re-trained in emergency obstetric skills to deal with emergency situations and to refer women onto health facilities when necessary. Samoa and Bangladesh are examples. For many women for a range of reasons TBAs are preferable to hospital care. It therefore makes sense to recognise their place within maternity care, to offer basic and ongoing training and to set up registration procedures thus better ensuring the monitoring of outcomes. Incorporating TBAs into the formal healthcare system would meet both physiological and relational components of birth. In terms of the latter, TBAs would act as cultural brokers between Western and traditional cosmologies and provide women with continuity of care from a known carer; in the West a demonstrably simple but effective intervention promoting physiological safety and reducing the need for higher level medical interventions.


  • The World Health Organization has noted much progress towards the realisation of Millennium Development Goals related to maternal and child health

  • Sub–Saharan Africa and Southern Asia lag behind other regions in the provision of antenatal care and skilled attendance at birth and over 32 million of the 40 million births not attended by skilled health personnel in 2012 occurred in rural areas

  • The short term, gross disparities in services in some resource–poor areas have been alleviated by recruiting Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) re–trained in emergency obstetric skills to deal with emergency situations and to refer women onto health facilities when necessary

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The return of the Traditional Birth Attendant

Baseline data from 1990 figures showed that over a 15–year period to 2005 maternal deaths decreased by 5.4%; an average of 0.4% per annum none of the eight regions targeted achieved the goal of 5.5% p.a. reduction Very little progress was made in sub–Saharan Africa and Southern Asia and progress was made compared to baseline data the level of skilled birth attendants (SBAs) remained low Other regions increased their provision of SBAs but failed to catch up to the developed world and fell well below the targeted 80% reduction in MMRs and IMRs. Only 47% of women received four antenatal visits during pregnancy – an unchanged percentage from baseline – more women (79% up from 64%) received some antenatal care (MDG 5B).

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