
The purpose of this study was to assess the positive immediate reactions received from intradermal skin tests (IDST) which confirmed the presence of IgE-dependent hypersensitivity in dogs with atopic dermatitis, which were patients of the Dermatology Consulting Section at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin between 2007 and 2009. Intradermal skin tests were performed on 142 dogs (72 females and 70 males) from the Lublin voivodeship of different breeds ranging in age from 1 to 6 years (average 2.8 years). The allergen set used in this study was the Artuvetrin Test (ARTU Biologicals Europe B.V, Holland). The owners of 84 dogs observed the presence of skin lesions all year round regardless of season, while 58 dog owners noted them only in spring and summer. Most immediate positive reactions were ascertained from mite allergens (70.61%), fewer from pollen allergens (19.55%), and the fewest from animal (4.15%) and mould allergens (1.66%). Immediate positive reactions for a flea allergen (4.03% of all positive reactions) were also ascertained. In 98.6% of dogs polysensitization was found.

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