
Purpose: to establish the productive action of the larvae of the flies of black lion's (Hermetia Illucens L.) when fed to the Cobb 500 crossbreaks as part of complete compound feeds.Materials and methods. In each series of experiments, 4 experimental groups of chickens of Cross "Cobb 500", 40 goals in the group were formed. An experimental bird was grown in conditions of cellular content of 2 tiers, where the parameters of microclimate and water supply were regulated automatically. The methodology and conditions of experiments were carried out according to the requirements of the methodological recommendations of the scientists of the Netip (2013). The larva entry rate was set at the rate of 3 %, 5 % and 8 % of the mass of compound feed. Poultry feeding was carried out by full-time compound feeds according to the recommended daily feeding standards for cross-country, so in the first 30 days they fed PK-5 compound feed, then from 31 days of life to the face of the feed-PK-6. The nutritional value of the PC -5 compound feed, which we used at the beginning of growing (1-30 days of experience) was per 100 g of product: OE - 1.318 MJ/315 kcal, raw protein - 24.3%, raw fiber - 3.6% and Raw fat - 5.54% on St. The nourishing of the final feed PC-6, respectively, was: 1.318 MJ/315 kcal of OE, 20.9% raw protein, 4.1% raw fiber and 5.2% fat.Results. According to laboratory analysis, it was found that the average water content in the larvae during the development period was from 62.9 to 64.5 %, while with age its concentration in the insect was slightly reduced. The same trend was traced with the content of raw fat. The concentration of protein in the larvae remained relatively constant at 38.8-39.9 % per dry mass (cm) regardless of the age of their development. The calorie content on average was 290 kcal of exchange energy (OE) in 100 grams of dry mass of larvae. According to the results of the experiments, the best effect was obtained when the larvae in the composition of the full compound feed in the amount of 3 % of the mass during the entire growing period. The live weight of the chickens of this experimental group exceeded control by 197 grams, and broilers that consumed 5 % of the larvae ahead of them by 172 grams. Moreover, the average daily growths of chickens in a group that consumed 3 % of the larvae of the flush of black lioness were 6.05 % higher than the group than the main diet. Accounting for feed costs and their residues for the growth of an experimental bird made it possible to establish that the greatest effect was obtained when feeding the larva. The cost of feeding for 1 kg of growth differed by 5.18-6.16 % of control. At the same time, the chickens were fed in the amount of 3 and 8 %, the indicators were almost equal.Conclusion. The organoleptic assessment of meat samples showed that the studied characteristics of the control and experimental groups did not differ significantly, which emphasizes the lack of negative effects of the larva on the quality of the meat of the chickens. It has been established that the most effective dose of feeding the larva is 3 % of the mass of full -time compound feed during the entire period of cultivation. The use of black lion's larvae in the specified dosage helps to reduce feed costs by 6.2% and does not worsen the quality indicators of the products produced, and also provides a positive effect on the energy of the COBB 500 cross - sized growth of about 6.0 %.

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