
In the last twenty years the Greek Ministry of Culture, funded by the European programmes of the 3rd CSF and the NSRF, has realised large-scale preservation, conservation and enhancement projects on important monuments and archaeological sites all around Greece. Among them there acquire significant position those that belong to the period of classical antiquity because they are often in ruined conditions, and they have a structure of large blocks unbound by any mortar; in addition, these monuments, scattered all around the country, comprise a large number in need of intervention. These interventions follow, on the one hand, the guidelines set by international statutory provisions, such as the Venice Charter, and on the other, the methodology developed by the Committee for the Conservation of the Acropolis Monuments as far back as 1975. The unique character of every monument however defines the final result. The article focuses on typical restoration works carried out on important archaeological sites in Greece, such as the Epidaurus complex, Apollo Epikourios and the monuments of the Lindos Acropolis, whereas the project of restoring the Acropolis monuments plays a pivotal role in the discussion.

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