
Abstract Mineral chronometers, especially accessory minerals using the U-Pb decay system, can reveal important information regarding the environmental conditions and duration of metamorphic-deformation events during the re-working of older rocks. Minerals such as zircon can newly grow during amphibolite facies or granulite facies events, providing direct ages of metamorphism. Pre-existing minerals like monazite, allanite, and titanite can preserve a component of their original age in spite of upper amphibolite facies re-working and very thorough recrystallization of the rock fabric during mylonite development. The degree of Pb loss can be used to deduce, at least semi-quantitatively, the temperature and duration of the subsequent event. In well-studied examples, the relative retentivity of Pb is highly predictable, and this helps place strong constraints on relative closure temperatures, even when laboratory experimental data are lacking or inconclusive. A number of examples are presented from a wide variety of geological environments to illustrate the response of U-Pb isotope systematics within accessory minerals to superimposed deformation, metamorphism and/or mineral growth.

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