
such sections of the program of the National Conference of Social Work as child care, aged, public welfare, delinquency, health, and industrial and economic problems. A second approach the analysis of social welfare programs has been by the method of professional service which is employed. The Conference, therefore, has program sections on social case work, social group work, community planning and organization, administration, and methods of social action. There is a third way by which we distinguish among the many welfare programs in our society. This is by designating whether the programs are managed by boards of citizens and supported by voluntary contributions or whether they are managed by government and supported by tax funds. I shall refer the former as voluntary agencies and the latter as official or governmental agencies. The respective roles of these agencies have frequently been a subject for discussion on the program of the National Conference of Social Work. The implications in professional practice have been noted in a resolution passed by the Delegate C nference of the American Association of Social Workers in 1944, in which the association agreed to examine the experi nce of the profession in relating voluntary public auspices and undertake formulate principles and methods of rganization and operation that will promote cooperation and reduce conflict of interest with respect areas of work, personnel, financing and public interpretation.2

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