
The article presents an analysis of the situation in Vietnam after the resignation of President Nguyen Xuan Phuc. It is shown that for the first time as a result of a large-scale anti-corruption campaign a member of the Big Four was was dismissed, however, in general, there are no reasons for major changes in Vietnams foreign and domestic policy, as well as in relation to major foreign players and investors. According to the author, Vietnam, after top-level personnel rotation, will continue stable relations with foreign partners in the traditional more friends, less enemies format, and in domestic politics, the implementation of the decisions of the XIII Congress of the CPV will be continued. It is concluded that regular resignations and bringing to justice of compromised high-ranking officials and representatives of big business allow to maintain controllability of the country and high authority of the central apparatus of the CPV, which leads the process. Otherwise, the processes will begin to control the party, which can lead to a loss of power and unpredictable political changes.

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