
"This article presents the two forms of perfection of students in the medical higher education of Cluj County, the resident and non-resident medical studentships which were introduced in the Faculty of Medicine from Cluj in the interwar period continuing with certain interruptions in the first Communist Age. The article illustrates how the position of intern and extern physician could be filled in, in medicine. The social mark was the one that differentiated the medical examination in the Communist Age from the one from the interwar period. The social mark represented the social community activity of the student regarding the involvement of the student in various cultural and sanitary activities or voluntary work. The weight of this social mark was equal to the other specialized subjects from the examination. Under this social mark the Communist regime could mask the sanctioning of the political past and the poor political orientation of the students. Key words: resident medical studentship, non-resident medical studentship, medical higher education, medical education in Cluj county, professional training and perfection, students, Communism. "

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