
The architect Aleksandar Deroko's Residence Hall of the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Belgrade, today popularly known as the Seminary (Bogoslovija), is one of the most arresting architectural works created on the eve of the Second World War. Situated outside the central city area, the building which gave the name to an entire part of Palilula, has not received due attention in the literature, nor has it been given its due place in the pioneering overviews or studies offered by the few researchers concerned with art deco in the architecture of Belgrade. The distinctive design in agreement with the purpose of the building is a singular example of art deco in Serbia, a style that sought inspiration not only in the legacy of academism or in the foreign architecture of the period but also in medieval Serbian architecture.


  • today popularly known as the Seminary

  • most arresting architectural works created on the eve of the Second World War

  • the building which gave the name to an entire part of Palilula

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The architect Aleksandar Deroko’s Residence Hall of the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Belgrade, today popularly known as the Seminary (Bogoslovija), is one of the most arresting architectural works created on the eve of the Second World War. Зграда је подигнута као Интернат за студенте Православног богословског факултета. Пројекат Интерната за студенте Православног богословског факултета у Београду, на углу Булевара aдмирала Пикоа (данас Мије Ковачевића) и Миријевског пута (данас Драгослава Срејовића), као пројектант је потписао овлашћени архитекта Петар Д. Анагности и ставио свој печат овлашћеног архитекте и асистента Универзитета, учешће Александра Дерока, као идејног творца зграде, не може се доводити у питање.

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