
This article makes reference to the effectiveness of the national social protection system, which depends on the efficiency of systems for redistributing income within a state, i.e. the efficiency of tax and social systems. The accession to the European Union (EU) was equivalent to the start of a new transition phase for the of development and social protection of Romania system. The current system of social protection can be characterized as a centralized one, even if the intentions of decentralization of responsibilities are pronounced while the financial capacities of local public authorities are strengthened. Romania has learned that EU policies are not always tailored to its size and that it has the possibility to negotiate them so that specific features and needs are better considered and covered.


  • Romania’s accession to the European Union (EU) in 2007 meant the access to the economic league of developed European States and the shortest way to create a competitive, dynamic and prosperous Romania

  • Cert este faptul că putem vorbi, pe de o parte, de un proces de convergență spre nivelul mediu de dezvoltare al Uniunea Europeană (UE), a cărui înfăptuire ar fi fost mult mai dificilă, în lipsa ritmului impus de reformele UE și de efortul conjugat al statelor membre şi care se manifestă în creșterea nivelului de trai al românilor

  • Methods applied The considerations set out in this article refer to the profile of adjustments in the field of social security as a basic factor in ensuring the overall economic balance through continuous competition of material, financial and currency needs with opportunities to obtain them, the distribution of social and economic needs according to criteria and their selection during each period of evolution

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THE RESHAPING OF ROMANIA’S SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM IN THE CONTEXT OF EUROPEAN UNION. Pentru sistemul de dezvoltare şi protecţie socială din România, intrarea în Uniunea Europeană a fost echivalentă cu startul într-o nouă etapă de tranziţie. Sistemul actual de protecţie socială poate fi caracterizat drept unul centralizat, chiar dacă se pronunţă intenţiile de descentralizare a unor responsabilităţi, odată cu întărirea capacităţilor financiare ale autorităţilor publice locale în acest sens. The accession to the European Union (EU) was equivalent to the start of a new transition phase for the of development and social protection of Romania system. The current system of social protection can be characterized as a centralized one, even if the intentions of decentralization of responsibilities are pronounced while the financial capacities of local public authorities are strengthened.

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