
Due to functional communication difficulties, children with autism are unable to freely communicate their needs and respond to social interactions. It has been demonstrated that the learning of communication skills alleviates the challenges caused by communication impairments. With the use of Augmentative Alternative Communication technologies, it is yet unknown how to develop the communication abilities of children with autism more successfully. During the preparatory phase of this research, a literature search was undertaken to build a instructional teaching plan by integrating the characteristics of the iPad application and the Picture Exchange Communication System teaching process. In the experimental phase, a cross-behavioral multi-baseline design was utilized to empirically demonstrate the communication behaviors pertaining primarily to expressing needs and addressing problems in a single subject. There was an increase in the number of subjectsautonomous declarations of needs and responses to questions after the intervention. The maintenance impact of the intervention was greater for the former than for the latter. The number of independent replies to questions was more than the number of needs expressed. Based on the study's findings and the subject's performance in the intervention training, the iPad application Yuudee is beneficial for enhancing the communication behaviors of children with autism, and the instructional use should be tailored to the subject's individual circumstances to develop specific instructional programs. The creation of appropriate application software should adhere to the cognitive rules of children with autism, from simple to complex, with treatments at each developmental stage.

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