
We systemetically research the microscopic physical mechanism of positive corona discharge and comprehensively analyse the regular and irregular pulsed oscillations of discharge outputs. Especially, we discover the formation mechanism of irregular pusled discharge phenomenon for the positive corona and give a profound explanation. Accorinding to the physical process of discharge, we propsoe a new dynamical model which can describe the Trichel pulsed discahrge outputs and the characteristics of waveforms. Based on nonlinear dynamics method, we predict and analyse differernt stages of discharge. In particular, the experimentally observed irregularly pusled discharge on positive corona is reproduced by the presented theory. Our study reveals that the positive ions as current carriers predominate in the total current and the photons occurring can be treated as the feedback signal in the nonlinear process of discharge system. We find that the photo-ionization is an indispensable role as the source forming electron avalanches for sustaining the positive corona discharge. Moreover, according to quantum mechanics we demonstrate the high frequency photons with energy higher than the ionization energy may photo-ionize oxygen molecules in pure oxygen. We point out that the recombination radiation is competent to photo-ionize neutral molecules producing the seed electrons. Besides, we analyze the characteristics of diversely pulsed outputs and further explain the microscopic menchnism generating the symmetric and asymmetric sharp jagged pulses. Furthermore, we discover the intrinsic physical relations between positive ion and surface electric field, and the significant influnces of the attributes of different particles on the discharge behaviors.

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