
Recent year, as technologies and research have unprecedently grow in a fast speed, humans exploration toward outer space become enormous. Several private space exploration and aerospace manufacture corporations, such as SpaceX, have come into public which symbolize the development of human society and start to reshape the human civilization. Near Earth Objects(Neos) or Potential Hazard Asteroids(PHAs) have gradually focused by scientists. With the emerging of Neos observations, it has become vigilant that Neos impact to human civilization is obviously destructive refer to the distinction dinosaur. Neo impact technologies and strategies are tremendously vital in resort of continuing human civilization. This paper presents the time frame of launching of satellite and space station and their function of exploration and the information about near earth objects including its feature and propose several possible solutions toward Neos for short time scales and long times scales including nuclear explosive devices, kinetic impactor, asteroid gravity tractor and asteroid laser ablation. These methods have been list with their advantages and disadvantages and evaluation will be taken from the prospective of successful rate, time, efficiency and cost.

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