
This paper mainly compares and analyses ranging technology of communication signals and navigation signals respectively, and introduces the integration of terrestrial mobile communica- tion base station navigation and positioning technology. Also it focuses on how to achieve precisely ranging based on the integration of communication signals and navigation signals, which is in order to improve the positioning accuracy. With theoretical analysis and software simulation, we improve the integrated signals multipath suppression ability and achieve the precise ranging technology. The past 10 years, as a national high-tech strategic new industry, location based severs (LBS) begins to integrate into all fields of life. According to statistics, 80% of information people use is related to the position. In the field of national security, disaster relief, counter-terrorism opera- tions, elderly care, smart city construction, location information needs much more urgently. There- fore, high-precision positioning and navigation technology has become a hot research field in recent years. It is not only an important foundation to support location-based services industry, but also the most important means to obtain the location information. Range finding technology is the most di- rect way to obtain location information of an object, but also the basis of the mobile terminal posi- tioning solver. Rough range finding errors will result in uncertainty of location compensation, which is directly related to the level of positioning accuracy. Therefore, the study of the precise range finding technology is of great significance for enhancing the positioning accuracy. In this pa- per, based on this background, we study the ranging technology with integration of communication signals and navigation signals, which results in improving the overall signal ranging accuracy.

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