
The Methodology of Comprehensive Music and Vocal Education (CMVE) is a powerful pedagogical instrument which helps a person's to improve its voice and musicality. Because several zones, such is auditory, somatosensory, motor (mainly due to the inclusion of hands and speech motor apparatus) and visual are actively involved, which is active contributes to a change in the picture of the dominant centers of the cortex, stimulates and develops such cognitive functions as attention, speech, memory, praxis. Neuroplasticity is closely related to music education, as indicated, for example, by such work as G. Schlaug, which explains some of the sensorimotor and cognitive improvements associated with music education. This allows us to assume and test the effects of neuroplasticity when working according to the CMVE method, which also uses different modalities. To investigate event-related potentials, the authors use a two-stimulus selective attention test (VCPT Go / NoGo test).
 Key words: EEG, ERP, VCPT-task, musical-vocal education by D.E. Ogorodnov.

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