
Deficiency disorders in biogeochemical parameters, are a major medical and social problem on the most territory Ukraine, and are characterized by the low iodine in the environment, which is a cause of hypothyroidism. Therefore, the study of the breach features of cellular and humoral immunity in patients with primary hypothyroidism combined with diseases of the periodontal tissues is of considerable practical interest. This will allow you to develop the best approaches to differentiated pharmacotherapy of comorbid conditions.Objective: to study the state of local immunity of the oral cavity in patients with primary hypothyroidism combined with diseases of the periodontal tissues.Materials and methods: The study of local immunity protection in patients with periodontitis on the background of primary hypothyroidism conducted on the basis of a comparative analysis of the immunological data in the core group of 89 people, 15 people of comparison group and the control group of 30 people. The first group included patients with periodontal disease and hypothyroidism, the second one - those with periodontal disease without thyroid disease. The control group consisted of 30 volunteers without clinical signs of disease.Research results. Results of the studied factors of cellular and humoral local immunity in the oral fluid, suggest lowering of the ysozyme activity and increased secretory immunoglobulin sIgA in patients with hypothyroidism combined with periodontal disease, while in patients with periodontal pathology without thyroid disease there is the increasing activity levels of lysozyme and increased secretory immunoglobulin sIgA.Сonclusion. The people with periodontal disease on the background of primary hypothyroidism found significant irregularities in the immune defense of the mouth. The nature and severity of these changes has a close relationship with the clinical course of inflammatory and dystrophic-inflammatory process in surround tissues, indicating the feasibility of such pathology at immunocorrective means


  • Deficiency disorders in biogeochemical parameters, are a major medical and social problem on the most territory Ukraine, and are characterized by the low iodine in the environment, which is a cause of hypothyroidism

  • Активність лізоциму ротової рідини у хворих із гіпотиреозом активності лізоциму в ротовій рідині поєднаним із захворюваннями пародонта за методом О

  • У пацієнтів із захворюваннями пародонта на тлі первинного гіпотиреозу виявлено достовірні порушення у імунному захисті ротової порожнини

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Deficiency disorders in biogeochemical parameters, are a major medical and social problem on the most territory Ukraine, and are characterized by the low iodine in the environment, which is a cause of hypothyroidism. Тому вивчення особливостей порушення клітинної та гуморальної ланок імунітету у хворих із первинним гіпотиреозом поєднаним із захворюваннями тканин пародонта становить значний практичний інтерес. 3. Мета дослідження Вивчити стан місцевого імунітету порожнини рота у пацієнтів із первинним гіпотиреозом поєднаними із захворюваннями тканин пародонта.

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