
Digital Library is an extension of traditional library functions. It is information collection, conversion, to describe, and the computer can handle in the form of digital information collection and storage of digital information network to intelligent information retrieval methods and unified search interface to use advanced information processing technology. The Internet, provide a variety of languages compatible with the long-range multi-media digital information services. This paper provides comprehensive coverage of the theories research connected with the provision and management of electronic resources in libraries to show us with comprehensive coverage of the core topics related to electronic resource methods. With the rapid development of computer technology, communication technology and network technology, the construction of information expressway have offered the environment and condition for development of extensive information system, library system. The information resources in libraries are getting more and more rich, the digitized tendency is getting more and more obvious. Some technique such as the information resource integration technology, electronic resource management and cataloging standard technique have enhanced day by day. In order to better serve for the reader and cause readers to refer to the more literature resources in the shortest time, the researchers should pay more attention to library information resource technique.

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