
The prime objective of our research and development project is to construct, validate and apply an integrated, concurrent engineering research methods toolset that aids, promotes and facilitates Rolls-Royce Motor Cars' desire to move from sequentially based current product model development to a parallel or concurrent or simultaneous approach. Parallel, or concurrent, or simultaneous engineering (CE/SE) represents a new opportunity to integrate design, manufacturing, quality control, shop floor automation, marketing and other processes in order to cut lead time. CE/SE is a new approach to product development. It focuses on parallel (vs. sequential) interaction among various product life cycle concerns. It is a systematic approach to the integrated, concurrent design of products and their related processes, including manufacture and support. This approach is intended to cause developers, from the outset, to consider all elements of the product life cycle from conception through disposal, including quality, cost schedule and user requirements. The aim at Rolls Royce Motor Cars Limited is to aid the attainment of: (a) shortened lead time, (b) increased productivity and (c) products that are of (i) very high quality, (ii) are reliable, (iii) less expensive and (iv) reflect the customers' requirements in a very competitive world market. The presentation discusses some of the strategic issues, as well as gives examples of the research toolset and its application at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited.

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