
Limacina retroversa was described as early as 1823 by Fleming un der the name of “? Heterofusus retroversus,― but very little is known about its internal structure, its method of reproduction and its life history. Writing in 1924-—one hundred years later—Bigelow men tioned that “? Nothing is known of the reproduction of Limacina retro versa in the Gulf of Maine. . . .“The embryonic development and the reproductive system of several species of Pteropoda have been de scribed but no exact information on the species L. retroversa is available. Van Beneden described the structure of the reproductive system of L. arctica in 1839 but, as pointed out by Meisenheimer (1905), he made the mistake of calling the ovotestis the ovary, the vesicula seminalis the testis and the accessory glands the “? gland prostatique.― Studies of the embryonic development of pteropods have been made by Gegenbaur (1853, 1855), Krohn (1856), Muller (1857), Fol (1874, 1875) and Knipowitsch (1891). Meisenheimer (1905) described the comparative morphology of Pteropoda and compared the genus Limacina with other Euthecosomata. He considered Limacina as a general group and made no mention of any species. Meisenheimer also appraised the earlier work and observations of Cuvier, d'Orbigny, Van Beneden, Gegenbaur, Souleyet, Pelseneer, Knower, etc. Bonnevie (1916) made further ob servations on the reproductive organs of Cuvierina and recently Zarnik (1911) determined the chromosomenumber of several species of ptero pods. Up to the present no one has stiidied the entire life history of any species of Pteropoda and it has been unknown whether any ptero pods, like some other mollusks, change their sex. The reproductive system of Liinacina retroversa, in particular, has not been studied. It

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