
The reproductive structures in Actinotrichia fragilis (Forsskal) Borgesen are described, including the first report of the structure and development of the carpogonial branch and cystocarp for the genus. Tetrasporangia usually arise in a terminal position on assimilatory filaments; occasionally they are formed laterally and in a secund manner. In male thalli, conceptacles are initiated from the apical pit of a thallus branch. Filaments bearing spermatangia issue from the inner face of the conceptacle wall. In female thalli, a carpogonial branch consists of a carpogonium, hypogynous cell and basal cell. Carpogonial branches may arise in two ways, either replacing a vegetative branch or rarely as a third branch between vegetative dichotomous branches. Before fertilization, the hypogynous cell divides to produce four cells. Subsequently, the basal cell produces branched filaments that eventually form the pericarp, which envelops the carpogonial branch and developing gonimoblast. After fertilization, the carp...

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