
Linguistic research devoted to the issues of communicative culture of Turkic peoples is very important in modern linguistics. The purpose of this article is to study the means of expressing verbal aggression in Tatar linguistic culture. The research material is lexical-semantic and paremiological units with the meaning of speech aggression. It is proposed to use descriptive and stylistic methods to solve the tasks of the research. The descriptive method is represented by such techniques as the continuous sampling method, processing, interpretation method, as well as lexical and semantic analysis. The lexical-semantic methods and features of the expression of speech aggression in the Tatar language are revealed. It has been established that in the corpus of lexemes a special place is occupied by the use of colloquial offensive vocabulary, metaphors, epithets expressing insult, humiliation, nonsense, threat and the aggressive emotional state of the individual. The evil-wishing (“kargysh”) is one of the idiomatic expressions of aggression directed against a person. The meaning of aggression is often accompanied by interjections, introductory words, particles. The analysis shows that in the Tatar linguistic culture aggression is presented as a form of verbal behavior, which is a negative emotional response of a linguistic personality. Excessive use of speech aggression in the colloquial and journalistic spheres of communication and the language of fiction negatively affects speech culture.

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