
In 3D survey the aspects most discussed in the scientific community are those related to the acquisition of data from integrated survey (laser scanner, photogrammetric, topographic and traditional direct), rather than those relating to the interpretation of the data. Yet in the methods of traditional representation, the data interpretation, such as that of the philological reconstruction, constitutes the most important aspect. It is therefore essential in modern systems of survey and representation, filter the information acquired. In the system, based on the integrated survey that we have adopted, the 3D object, characterized by a cloud of georeferenced points, defined but their color values, defines the core of the elaboration. It allows to carry out targeted analysis, using section planes as a tool of selection and filtering data, comparable with those of traditional drawings.<br><br> In the case study of the Abbey of Casamari (Veroli), one of the most important Cistercian Settlement in Italy, the survey made for an Agreement with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (MiBACT) and University of RomaTre, within the project "Accessment of the sismic safety of the state museum", the reference 3D model, consisting of the superposition and geo-references data from various surveys, is the tool with which yo develop representative models comparable to traditional ones. It provides the necessary spatial environment for drawing up plans and sections with a definition such as to develop thematic analysis related to phases of construction, state of deterioration and structural features.


  • In an architectural survey aimed at the preservation or restoration of a structure, such as the Abbey of Casamari “the simple geometrical knowledge - morphological aspects of a building VWUXFWXUH ZKLOH LPSRUWDQW LW LV QRW VX൶FHQW WR HQVXUH WKH correctness of further interventions on it” (Docci - Maestri, 2009, p. 7)

  • Whilst drawing survey is the basic support for the analysis RI D EXLOGLQJ LW DQWLFLSDWHV WR D FHUWDLQ H[WHQW WKH VSHFL¿F elements that are subject to such analysis, starting from those of Constructive and Stratigraphic Survey (Harris, 1975; Francovich - Parenti, 1978) and Critical Survey (Francovich, 1985; Brogiolo, 1991; Carbonara, 1985; Doglioni - Gabbiani, 1985; Parenti, 1985)

  • The drawings should be able to describe all the characteristic features of the building, in addition to numeric and dimensional ones: the masonry layers, the characteristics and the material properties, the working and installation, the construction details, architectural anomalies and the building phases etc. This process, in order to be it as much empathy with the surveyed bject (Bertocci - Bini, 2012, p.317), it is necessary that the scholar of an architectural work, should devote a special attention to matching survey – object, in his dual role of surveyor and renderer, guaranteed only by a direct contact with the architectural ZRUN DQG VXUYH\ UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ DFFRUGLQJ WR ZHOOGH¿QHG VSHFL¿FDWLRQV ZKLFK VXUYH\ GUDZLQJV VKRXOG DOZD\V JXLGHG E\ In view of these considerations, survey drawings (Figure 1a) must relate, both to survey numeric data, represented, for example, E\ WKH UHÀHFWDQFH LPDJH )LJXUHV E DV WR WKH KLVWRULFDO documentation (Figures 1c), such as the drawing by C

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In an architectural survey aimed at the preservation or restoration of a structure, such as the Abbey of Casamari “the simple geometrical knowledge - morphological aspects of a building VWUXFWXUH ZKLOH LPSRUWDQW LW LV QRW VX൶FHQW WR HQVXUH WKH correctness of further interventions on it” (Docci - Maestri, 2009, p. 7). The drawings should be able to describe all the characteristic features of the building, in addition to numeric and dimensional ones: the masonry layers, the characteristics and the material properties, the working and installation, the construction details, architectural anomalies and the building phases etc. This process, in order to be it as much empathy with the surveyed bject (Bertocci - Bini, 2012, p.317), it is necessary that the scholar of an architectural work, should devote a special attention to matching survey – object, in his dual role of surveyor and renderer, guaranteed only by a direct contact with the architectural ZRUN DQG VXUYH\ UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ DFFRUGLQJ WR ZHOOGH¿QHG VSHFL¿FDWLRQV ZKLFK VXUYH\ GUDZLQJV VKRXOG DOZD\V JXLGHG E\ In view of these considerations, survey drawings (Figure 1a) must relate, both to survey numeric data, represented, for example, E\ WKH UHÀHFWDQFH LPDJH )LJXUHV E DV WR WKH KLVWRULFDO documentation (Figures 1c), such as the drawing by C. Enlart (1894), which constitutes a useful point of comparison IRU IXWKHU DQDO\VLV EXW DOVR D SUHFLVH H[HPSOL¿FDWLRQ ZKHUH WKH survey graphics processing should refer

Study about historical documentation
Study and survey on the current status
Analysis and comparison
The work group for geometrical and architectural Survey is composed by
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