
espanolEl articulo versa sobre la sustitucion del retablo mayor del siglo XVI del Real Monasterio de San Leandro de Sevilla tras la entrada en el mismo de la religiosa dona Teresa de Anguiano y Cardenas a mediados del siglo XVIII. Para la realizacion del mismo es preciso estudiar el retablo sustituido, asi como la evolucion del mismo. Todo ello se realiza principalmente a partir de la documentacion inedita del monasterio. Tras dicho estudio podemos analizar el contexto en el que se generaban las obras de arte, asi como las condiciones y obligaciones de los contratantes. EnglishThe paper deals with the replacement of the 16th century altarpiece of the Royal Monastery of San Leandro in Seville, after the entrance of the religious Teresa de Anguiano y Cardenas, in the mid18th century. For the realization of the same it is necessary to study the substituted altarpiece, as well as the evolution of it. All this is done mainly from the original documentation of the Monastery. After this study we can analyze the context in which the works of art were generated, as well as the conditions and obligations of the contractors.

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