
Multifocal electroretinograms were recorded from twelve subjects on three separate days using the Visual Evoked Response Imaging System (VERIS). The subjects were 18–40 years-of-age. Each recording session was separated by an interval of between one and 16 weeks. Four electrode types were compared: the JET contact lens electrode, the gold foil electrode, the DTL thread electrode and the carbon fibre (c-glide) electrode. The b-wave amplitude density (nV/ sq.deg) recorded with each electrode was measured. The mean amplitude density recorded at each session for each subject and each electrode was calculated and compared. There were no significant differences in amplitude density for the ERGs recorded with each type of electrode over the three days. The coefficient of variation for each electrode and each subject was then calculated using the results for the three days. The coefficients of variation for each electrode showed significant differences (One-way ANOVA:F= 4.51, d.f. = 3, 44, P< 0.008). The c-glide electrode results had the highest variability and post hoc tests showed that its coefficient of variation was significantly different from those of the JET and gold foil electrodes but not from that of the DTL thread electrode.

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