
The replicator regions of the Ti plasmids of Agrobacterium tumefaciens belong to the repABC family of replication and partitioning systems, members of which are widely distributed among alpha proteobacteria. In the region upstream of the octopine-type Ti plasmid repABC operon, three promoters were recently shown to be activated by the LuxR-type regulator TraR. Activation of these promoters by TraR led to enhanced rep gene expression and increased Ti plasmid copy number. Here we describe a fourth promoter, designated P4. This promoter lies directly upstream of repA and is not regulated by TraR. The promoter was localized by subcloning and demonstrated to be strongly autorepressed. RepA is the major cis-acting autorepressor of this promoter, though RepB enhanced repression and was essential for RepA-mediated repression in trans. Purified RepA bound to an approximately 70-nucleotide operator site overlapping the P4 promoter and extending well downstream. Binding affinity was increased by adenosine di- and tri-phosphates and also by purified RepB. Activation of P1, P2, and P3 enhanced the activity of P4, suggesting that P4 somehow communicates with the upstream promoters. These findings demonstrate that both autoinduction and autorepression play critical and opposing roles in regulating repABC expression and hence in the replication, stability and copy number of the Ti plasmid.

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