
Abstract Energy security is a matter of particular importance to all the world's states, whether they are producers or consumers of energy resources. For a long time, fossil energy resources have been the only source of energy used on a planetary scale. When mankind realized that fossil energy resources are a finite source of energy and that their intensive use causes many environmental problems, the most important of which is related to global warming, they have tried to find alternative sources of energy. Thus, concerns have arisen about the use of renewable energy on a wider scale, with both individual concerns of states that have potential in this area and collective concerns, such as at EU level, which has proposed by 2020, the share of energy from renewable sources used by the Union states is at least 20% of total consumption. Renewable energy resources may be an alternative to fossil fuels, but at the same time it has a number of limitations and vulnerabilities. Ensuring energy security means a comprehensive approach, understanding of limitations and reducing vulnerabilities

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