
The first version of the Brazilian Oceano- graphic Modeling and Observation Network (REMO) ocean data assimilation system into the Hybrid Coordi- nate Ocean Model (HYCOM) (RODAS_H) has recently been constructed for research and operational purposes. The system is based on a multivariate Ensemble Optimal Interpolation (EnOI) scheme and considers the high fre- quency variability of the model error co-variance matrix. The EnOI can assimilate sea surface temperature (SST), satellite along-track and gridded sea level anomalies (SLA), and vertical profiles of temperature (T) and salin- ity (S) from Argo. The first observing system experiment was carried out over the Atlantic Ocean (78°S-50°N, 100°W-20°E) with HYCOM forced with atmospheric reanalysis from 1 January to 30 June 2010. Five integra- tions were performed, including the control run without assimilation. In the other four, different observations were assimilated: SST only (A_SST); Argo T-S profiles only (A_Argo); along-track SLA only (A_SLA); and all data employed in the previous runs (A_All). The A_SST, A_Argo, and A_SLA runs were very effective in improv- ing the representation of the assimilated variables, but they had relatively little impact on the variables that were not assimilated. In particular, only the assimilation of S was able to reduce the deviation of S with respect to ob- servations. Overall, the A_All run produced a good analy- sis by reducing the deviation of SST, T, and S with respect to the control run by 39%, 18%, and 30%, respectively, and by increasing the correlation of SLA by 81%.

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