
The subject of the study is the views of the main representatives of the Russian socio –political thought of the pro–monarchist wing of the second half of the XIX - early XX century regarding the religious and ideological aspects of the monarchical idea. The comparative method is used to analyze the concepts of the selected authors. Also, the Cambridge School method was used in the analysis of texts, mainly the approach of J. Pocock to the reconstruction of political discourses. The analysis of the religious basis of the monarchical system allocated by thinkers is carried out, the conclusion is made about its significance as a basis and as the main marker of differentiation between different types of monarchy. Special attention is paid to various concepts concerning the monarchical ideology and monarchical statehood of the main representatives of the monarchical wing of Russian socio – political thought of the second half of the XIX – early XX century . The novelty and relevance of the work is determined by the consideration of certain aspects of the monarchy as a separate, independent system outside the context of conservative discourse, which makes it possible to interpret the monarchist ideology as an independent direction of political thought; this question has not yet been raised in this way directly in modern historiography. It is concluded that the idea of the greatest correspondence of the monarchical system to the natural political aspirations of the human community prevails in the works of the thinkers under consideration. Also, the author believes it possible, based on the representation of Russian monarchists of the era under study, to speak about the exceptional role of religious and moral categories as the basis of the monarchical system, which also serves as the basis for distinguishing the monarchical system from the standard opposition of liberalism and conservatism.

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