
The history of the development of the South Primorye Islands represents a phenomenon of the conservatism of landforms which have formed more than 250 million years ago and were preserving their morphology and structural-substantial basis up to now, in spite of the tectonic regime inversion and repeated changes in morphogenesis conditions. General evolution of this Island system of rises is described by the following schematic model: volcano-plutonic ridge (P2) - intrusive horst (P2) - buried horst (T1-2) - regenerated horst (K2) - residual horst (N1) - a number of uncovered domical and block structures (N2 - Q4). The cause of the prolonged heredity of their development seats in a number of factors: increased thicknesses of granite-metamorphic layer - roots of mountains - under the orogens and individual tectonic-magmatic rises; existence of a skeleton network of deep faults; prevalence of vertical tectonic motions and others. The comparative analysis of regional schemes of the Russian Southeast orogenic systems (geosynclinal-folded, arch-block, terrane and others) formation and development showed that the incompleteness of our knowledge about geological structure and morphogenetic processes causes the dependence of historic-genetic reconstructions on the subjective views and the purposes of researchers

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