
So far in the course of this essay the concern has been with religion very largely in Buddhist terms and in a Buddhist context. What has been considered in the foregoing chapters, and especially the emphasis which has been laid upon religious practice is, however, not without its significance for Western theology. By this is meant both Christian and Jewish theology, and, to some extent, Islamic. Before we consider the ways in which our study may have relevance for theology, however, we must consider, though rather briefly, the special claims which Christian theology makes in connection with the religious life of man, and further, what might be described as a theological appraisal of certain aspects of Buddhism and Marxism.KeywordsPersonal NatureHuman ConsciousnessUltimate RealityNatural TheologyChristian TheologyThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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