
Currently, the Zimbabwean education system is placing re-emphasis on MSTE but with no resounding success due to a number of challenges. Of most concern to this research are teacher education and skilful teaching challenges hindering MSTE sustainability. The research focused on the role that could be played by teacher education in resuscitating and sustaining MSTE. In reality, the efficiency of an MSTE system depends on teacher quality and skilful teaching. Inseparable from quality teaching is the role played by teacher education in producing a reflective MSTE agent. This study took the form of a qualitative research design. Constant comparative analysis method of published documentary sources from libraries and the internet selected through purposive maximum variation sampling were used to gather data. Data collection and analysis took place simultaneously. Data were presented thematically. The study revealed that sustainability of MSTE is hindered by teacher training institutions which have failed to produce versatile MSTE competent teacher. This was coupled with lack of adequate human and material resources, poor teaching methods, and lack of continuous research in pedagogies and application of theory into practice. Recommendations to improve teacher education to become relevant in its production of quality teachers were made.

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