
The purpose of the article is to review and arrange according to the specified criteria nominative means of expressing the concept of TECHNOLOGY in the context of the English-speaking, French-speaking and German-speaking world picture; coverage of nominative features; identification of a different and common character to determine a comprehensive idea of the expression of the concept of TECHNOLOGY in the context of the English-speaking, French-speaking and German-speaking picture of the world. The main problem of modern linguistics is the study of the relationship of language and thinking to language and culture, due to the fact that language is the founder of culture. The main attention is paid to the study of the structure of the language system in connection with the consciousness of a person, his worldview and spiritual life; specifics of speech behavior of different peoples. The concept appears as the key and most relevant unit of research in the context of cognitive linguistics.The concept of TECHNOLOGY represents a complex of socially significant ideas of a person about the process of his relations with various objects of reality. Similar concepts consolidate the intellectual space of the respective era, largely determining the nature of thinking and axiological relations of its representatives. Concepts as elements of consciousness are completely independent of speech, and language means convey only part of the concept with their meanings, which is confirmed by the existence of many different synonyms, definitions and descriptions of the same concept.

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