
In intention of this paper is to outline Martin Buber’s ontological turning to the other through the development of his dialogical theory. This outline substantiates dialogue as an important element of religious leadership. Dialogue fosters the development of genuine relationships with others and with the world. It is the uncovering and creation of meaning through awareness of what is sacred in us, others, and the world. Buber’s theory provides us with the specific details of the art of turning to the other which can help us navigate our ways into dialogue. Human being must accept the fact of the existence of broken leadership which is caused by human beings themselves. Hence, the solution goes back to human being’s relationship. Since, society is grounded through relationships; therefore, human relationship must be restored to heal the broken religious leadership. I-Thou or subject to subject is the kind of relationship which can restore unity in an organization. The crisis of organization is caused by I-It or subject to object relationship, in which another person is treated as an object, and hence conflicts, mistrust, self-centred are caused to the organization. The peace of an advice which Martin Buber gives to all leaders is that the dignity of human person should be respected by being open to one another and by being treated equally as human being. Therefore, honest and sincere dialogue between man and man is a prerequisite to build an organization or society for the common good.

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