
In the paper I consider the relevance criterion for argument evaluation within informal logic. I focus on the dialectical relevance concept, which is the result of dialogical interpretation of argumentation process.The research topicality is due to the lack of the relevance notion unified understanding within the contemporary argumentation theory. This notion analysis is important because relevance is one of the criteria for argument evaluation. The elimination of its interpretation`s contradictions can be the step towards to both better practical argument evaluation using and integrative relevance understanding conception.The purpose of the article is to find out the specific features of the dialectical relevance in compare with others relevance kinds. To achieve this goal I, firstly, analyzed the key characteristics of the dialogue argumentation model in the relevance perspective. Secondly, I clarify the essential features of the dialectical relevance and irrelevance. Thirdly, I provide a comparative analysis of the dialectical and premissary relevance.The methodology of this research is based on the informal logics and dialogical approaches to an argument and argumentation analysis.The novelty of the research results is the dialectical and premissary relevance notions comparison. As the result I conclude that, firstly, dialectical relevance is merely dialectical, not logical criterion of evaluation. Secondly, dialectical relevance deals with argumentation process, not with argument as a premise-conclusion relation. Thirdly, dialectical and premissary relevance have common features, as the relation to the conclusion justifying. However, the dialectical relevance specifics are its rule`s compliance, dynamic and dialectical character, and relation to the argumentation correctness.

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