
The CO 2 released in MSF distillers can be used for the recarbonation of the distillate. The recarbonation method using CO 2 from the vent gases of MSF distillers has gained importance, since the post-treatment of potable water can be affected without additional CO 2 production by combustion processes. In Kuwait, recarbonation process has been adopted as the remedial treatment. The recarbonation system is intended to increase the carbonate hardness in the potable water thereby minimizing corrosion in the water distribution system, thus eliminating to a great extent the “red water” problem. It also improves the palatability of the drinking water. To achieve these objectives recarbonation system makes use of released CO 2 from the MSF evaporators and adopts limestone dissolution with necessary pH control. This is regarded as reasonably effective and an economical solution as well.

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