
Body mass is a consistent individual trait that characterises the state of adult birds and mammals and is positively related with long-term reproductive success. However, whether and to what extent body mass changes over lifetime in long-lived birds is poorly studied. In this paper, we investigate how individual body mass varies with age. Furthermore, we try to separate possible effects of age and experience on body mass. This study was conducted in a Common Tern colony on the German Wadden Sea coast. Transponders allowed registration of individuals throughout the breeding season and consecutive years with an antenna system combined with electronic balances for recording individual body-mass changes within and between years. Individual body masses of males and females were measured during three stages of the breeding season: at arrival, during incubation and chick rearing when mass was lowest in both sexes. Individual-based longitudinal analyses clearly showed that body mass during arrival, incubation and chick rearing increased up to an age of 5 or 6 years. First-time breeders had lower body mass than experienced breeders. Experience had stronger effects on incubation mass than age. Recruiting age also affected body-mass development of breeders: Three-year-old recruits showed a stronger increase in mass with experience than 4-year-old recruits. We assume that increasing experience enables birds to cope better with the physiological challenge of reproduction. To explain the general phenomenon of higher body mass in older birds, our results support the constraint hypothesis rather than either the selection or restraint hypothesis.

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