
This study deals with the meaning of relative meaning of adjectives in Kurdish language. It is a descriptive study. The purpose is to find out the relative meaning of adjectives based on the Relative theory of language in Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. It was hypothesized that relative meaning occurs more in adjectives and the ratio is subject to change according to the understanding and the view point of speaker and his thought. This study consists of two chapters as well as the introduction and conclusion. The first chapter is devoted to the definition, the concept, types, and characteristics of Adjectives. It includes (definition of adjectives, types of adjectives, characteristics of adjectives, adjectives according to degrees of comparison, and different categorization of adjectives. While the second chapter deals with relative meaning of adjectives, it includes; (relativity of language, and the relativity of meaning of adjectives in the scope of semantics and pragmatics). The researcher tried to refer the relativity of meaning in adjectives in pragmatic framework because it varies with the variation of speakers.

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